In this blog, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up an Azure environment to host a web application. We’ll cover creating virtual networks, setting up VNet peering, deploying a virtual machine, and creating a storage account. Let’s dive in!
Overview of the Tasks Here’s what we’ll accomplish:
Step 1: Create the Virtual Networks
Create challengenetworkone
Go to the Azure portal and search for Virtual networks.
Click + Create.
Configure the basics:
Resource Group: challenge-rg
Name: challengenetworkone
Region: East US
Configure IP addresses:
IPv4 Address Space:
Subnet Name: default
Subnet Address Range:
Click Review + Create, then Create.
Create challengenetworktwo
Repeat the steps above with the following changes:
Name: challengenetworktwo
IPv4 Address Space:
Subnet Address Range:
Step 2: Create the Second Virtual Network (challengenetworktwo)
Create a Virtual Network:
In the search bar, type “Virtual networks” and select it.
Click “+ Create” to start creating a new virtual network.
Configure the Basics:
Subscription: Select your subscription.
Resource Group: Use the same resource group as before (e.g., challenge-rg).
Name: Enter challengenetworktwo.
Region: Select East US.
Configure IP Addresses:
IPv4 Address Space: Enter
Subnet Name: Add a subnet (e.g., default).
Subnet Address Range: Enter
Review and Create:
Review the settings and click “Create”.
Step 3: Set Up VNet Peering Between the Two Networks
Go to challengenetworkone:
In the Azure portal, navigate to Virtual networks.
Select challengenetworkone.
Create Peering to challengenetworktwo:
Under Settings, click Peerings.
Click “+ Add”.
Name of the peering from challengenetworkone to challengenetworktwo: Enter challengenetworkone-to-challengenetworktwo.
Virtual network: Select challengenetworktwo.
Click OK.
Go to challengenetworktwo:
Navigate to Virtual networks.
Select challengenetworktwo.
Create Peering to challengenetworkone:
Under Settings, click Peerings.
Click “+ Add”.
Name of the peering from challengenetworktwo to challengenetworkone: Enter challengenetworktwo-to-challengenetworkone.
Virtual network: Select challengenetworkone.
Click OK.
Step 4: Create the Virtual Machine (api-machine)
Create a Virtual Machine:
In the search bar, type “Virtual machines” and select it.
Click “+ Create” and select “Virtual machine”.
Configure the Basics:
Subscription: Select your subscription.
Resource Group: Use the same resource group (e.g., challenge-rg).
Virtual machine name: Enter api-machine.
Region: Select East US.
Image: Select Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS by Canonical.
Size: Select B1s.
Administrator Account:
Authentication type: Select SSH public key.
Username: Enter azureuser.
SSH public key source: Generate a new key pair or use an existing one.
Virtual network: Select challengenetworkone.
Subnet: Select default.
Public IP: Ensure a new public IP is created (e.g., api-machine-public-ip).
NIC network security group: Select Advanced and create a new NSG (e.g., api-machine-nsg).
Add inbound rule: Allow HTTP traffic (port 80).
OS disk type: Select Standard SSD.
Review and Create:
Review the settings and click “Create”.
Step 5: Create the Storage Account (labchallengexxxx)
Create a Storage Account:
In the search bar, type “Storage accounts” and select it.
Click “+ Create”.
Configure the Basics:
Subscription: Select your subscription.
Resource Group: Use the same resource group (e.g., challenge-rg).
Storage account name: Enter labchallengexxxx (replace xxxx with random numbers, e.g., labchallenge1234).
Region: Select East US.
Performance: Select Standard.
Redundancy: Select Locally-redundant storage (LRS).
Access tier: Select Cool.
Review and Create:
Review the settings and click “Create”.
Step 6: Verify All Resources Virtual Networks:
Go to Virtual networks and verify challengenetworkone and challengenetworktwo exist with the correct CIDR ranges.
VNet Peering:
Go to Virtual networks > Peerings and verify the peering connections between the two networks.
Virtual Machine:
Go to Virtual machines and verify api-machine is running and has a public IP address.
Check the NSG rules to ensure HTTP traffic (port 80) is allowed.
Storage Account:
Go to Storage accounts and verify labchallengexxxx exists and is a General Purpose V2 account.
Conclusion :-
By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up an Azure environment for hosting a web application. This includes creating virtual networks, setting up VNet peering, deploying a virtual machine, and creating a storage account.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. Happy cloud computing! 🚀